Objectives |
Description |
1. Participants will identify and compare goal areas for music therapy treatment in trauma-informed practice. (CBMT Board Certification Domains I.B.3, I.B.4, I.D.2, I.D.6, I.D.10)
2. Participants will identify and list therapeutic needs for trauma care. (CBMT Board Certification Domains I.B.2, I.D.2) 3. Participates will compare and design creative music therapy interventions for common goal areas in trauma-informed practice. (CBMT Board Certification Domains II.A.1, II.A.2, II.A.5) |
This case study describes and demonstrates how the creative process of music therapy provides the opportunity for the client to regulate, express, and identify triggers of anxiety and fear. Client A was diagnosed with PTSD at age 4 and referred to music therapy due to lack of progression in other therapies. Through musical and visual descriptions of individual sessions and family group sessions, participants will learn how the process of creative music therapy was integral in Client A’s treatment and well-being. Theoretical implications will be discussed, as well as the implications of the client’s environment/rural area of living. Transference and countertransference will be explored as they influence music therapy treatment. Participants will have increased understanding of PTSD symptoms and music therapy interventions for goal areas in trauma care.
8:15-8:25 8:25-9:25 9:25-9:35 9:35-9:50 9:50-10:00 10:00-10:45 10:45-11:00 |
Introductions and course overview
Experiential Introduction to case study client - Client description - Trauma description - PTSD overview - Presenting symptoms - Referral/Assessment Break Experiential Group discussion of goal/objective ideas Treatment Plan - Goal/objectives - Demonstration of interventions - Audio/visual demonstration of results/projects -Evaluation and ongoing treatment Discussion/questions/closing experiential |